

EWINLIGHT is an innovative tech company based in Shenzhen since 2016. Their goal is to bring sunshine to everyone's lives. Ewinlight has a very experienced R & D team. They research the latest LED, optics and control system technology, develop better lighting solutions and offer customers worldwide qualified support and service.

Our product is EWINDOW®. The concept of EWINDOW® is a simulation of daylight, just as the sun shines through a window. The benefits of our product are important. It offers a dynamic daylight-like environment, complementing daylighting when daylight is limited by architecture, climate or location. EWINDOW® complements the general lighting effect to a natural-looking sunlight effect.

Daylight is often mentioned as better lighting, healthy lighting. Studies have shown that it has a major impact on our health, both physiology and psychology. Many people have to live in an environment that does not have enough natural light. Artificial daylight is an effective solution to supplement natural daylight.
